The Fuschia Tree
Editor's Note.
The Aquarian, the water bearer, has long since been associated with the container that shapes otherwise liquid ideas. With Valentines Day right in the middle of the Aquarius sign, it is no wonder that the cup features so prominently amid the Great Poets' love melodies. A belief in the stars, a longing for a bond, and a desire to consume might be some roots to the idea of the cup of love.
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By Janice Pariat
our body is history.
inked with lines of joy, orchestrated, a symphony entirely our own. it bears the scars of our defeats. our infinite failures. carved in stone.

our body is sacred. and profane.  
it is wondrous in its workings, balanced always precariously between life and death.
a breath away.
it surprises us when it fails to heal, to recover, to regain.

Also in this issue

  • A Letter on-shore.
    You know, that feeling he talks about when you look over a ledge, when the fear is not of falling but of the secret craving to accept the invitation that the space below has just extended you.
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  • Wallpaper and Bed Sheets: The Thing In Between.
    The stew is ready and the table is set. The forks and spoons are silver, but they bend like plastic. The bedroom door is open. There is nobody here.
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  • Birthday Blues.
    This piece hopes to engage with the ideas of the intangible and the immeasurable, both of which punctuate any relationship; and the unspoken, unsaid, and unheard 'matter' which informs its historical past, present and
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Illusion: Seeing Beyond Seeing
Meaning: In Search of Significance.
Melody: A Different Tune
Rhythm: Ordering Time

Dhrupadi Ghosh is an old friend of mine. We have often had long sessions of adda late at night, discussing her dream projects since her college days at Santiniketan, where she majored in Sculpture.